The Globe -- South Bethlehem
Tuesday, January 25, 1916
Big Game Scheduled for Local Field on Saturday.

Local fans will see Clan McDonald, Brooklyn, in action against the Bethlehem Steel champion in the second round American Cup game, on Saturday next. The winner of this game will be drawn to meet Jersey City at Jersey City in the third round. Clan McDonald is reported as having one of its strongest elevens in its history, and in the letter to the Steel company management, it stated that up to date it has played seventeen games with only one defeat and that was to the famous West Hudson team after playing three drawn games. Local fans have seen West Hudson play and can judge the caliber of Clan McDonald. Officials for this game next Saturday, will be appointed by the American F. C> association on Wednesday. Bethlehem Steel met this team last season in the American cup competition in the same round and defeated them after a hard game by the close score of 2-1. This year Clan McDonald claims to have an even better team than last year. All the local team came out of Saturday's game in fairly good condition with the exception of Pepper, who is suffering of an injury to the right knee.

Training by the local team was begun today and will be continued tomorrow and Thursday. The ground will be rolled and every effort made to get it in as good a condition as possible for next Saturday's important game.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club