The Globe -- South Bethlehem
Wednesday, January 26, 1916
Assurance of Fast Game in Bethlehem on Saturday.
Included in the ranks of Clan McDonald on Saturday next will be the two Agar brothers, former members of the Brooklyn F. C. These two players were also signed by Secretary Trend for Bethlehem Steel during the season of 1913-14, but their services could not be secured on dates when most needed by Bethlehem. They are both good players. N. Agar fields the outside position and is very fast. H. Agar plays left half back and is a tireless worker. Other well known players on the team are, McCann and McChesnie, former Jersey City stars. The record of Clan McDonald to date is most enviable, it having played seventeen games with only one defeat and that by West Hudson, Newark, N. J., after playing three tie games. Word has been received from Clan McDonald management that the team and officials expect to arrive in town Friday evening or early Saturday morning. The local team is training hard and with the exception of Pepper, is in good shape. Work on the field is proceeding, and if no rain falls before Saturday, the fans will be assured a fast game. The appointment of officials for this game takes place tonight in Newark, N. J.
Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club