Cup and League Soccer Games Postponed
Because of the unplayable state of the grounds in the New York district, all soccer games scheduled for yesterday afternoon were called off. On many fields the ice covering was several inches thick, making it impossible to even think of playing a game. Bethlehem was scheduled for one of these games as the opponent of Federal Ship for Clark's Athletic Field, Kearney, N. J. Early Sunday morning Manager Sheridan received word that it was impossible to play the game. This game together with New York and Erie, was scheduled in the National League. The star attraction in the cup competition was the fourth round American Cup tie between Robins Dry Dock and Morse Dry Dock, which was ordered replayed by the American Football Association, on a protest registered by Robins after Morse had won two weeks previous by the score of one goal to none.
Bethlehem Tourists With Erie F. C.
According to a New York press dispatch, the Erie F. C., one of the two teams that conquered Bethlehem in a National League game this season, was further strengthened by signing Archie Stark. The new player stared with the Bethlehem team on their recent Scandinavian tour and was eligible to play his first game for Erie yesterday. Upon the return of the tourists they were given a hearty welcome by different club managers, all angling, however to sing up the free lance. With the signing of Stark, all the outsiders are now under contract.
Odds and Ends
The Philadelphia Inquirer says: "They must have some strong line up Bethlehem way when Manager Sheridan can afford to bench such well known players as Pepper, Fletcher, Blakey and McKelvey. This quartet would strengthen any team and we know at least one team that would sign that whole bunch and no questions asked at that." We'll say Bethlehem has a strong lineup although all four players mentioned are among the most valuable men. The trouble with Bethlehem is that with the eighteen men signed the majority are of the first string caliber and that the selection of the lineup, which usually is delayed up to the day of the game, is not an easy task.