The Globe -- Bethlehem
Friday, January 26, 1923
Tom Maxwell, Who Starred With Third Lanark Here in 1920 New Player

That the Bethlehem F. C. is leaving nothing undone in its effort to again build up a championship aggregation of soccer players is readily apparent with the announcement of the latest acquisition for the ranks of the local clan. The celebrity in question is Tom Maxwell, a star of first magnitude, who two years ago played with the greatest aggregation of soccer players in the world. In making this assertion it would seem undertaking a rather great responsibility, but the fans who were fortunate in witnessing the Third Lanark team of Scotland polish off the Bethlehem F. C. in Taylor Stadium, on the afternoon of July 13, 1920, will bear out the statement. Maxwell, by the way, was a member of this team and played inside left from which position he contributed materially in the matter of soccer goals. It will be remembered that during the summer months of 1920 the Third Lanark team toured America and Canada, meeting the strongest soccer teams in both these countries and at the conclusion of a quite lengthy schedule returned home without a defeat. While Goldie, Carnihan and Ferguson are regarded by the local management as the biggest finds of the season, Maxwell comes to Bethlehem with even a grater reputation, and working in harmony with Goldie should present an ideal wing. It is acknowledged that with the exception of the last one or two games, Bethlehem forwards have been decidedly weak in finishing and although play was frequently centered in the vicinity of the rival goal, the scores were few and far between. With Maxwell on the forward line, the management has, without a doubt, made the prize grab of the season and a player who should prove a decided strength in the matter of scoring. Maxwell played with such stars as McNemeny, then captain of the Third Lanarks and Wilson, conceded the greatest center forward in the world and regarded as the Ty Cobb of British soccer. Last season Maxwell played with Clyde, a first division club in Scotland. He has been located in Bethlehem for the past three days and during this time attached his signature to a Bethlehem F. C. contract. He will make his initial debut in the Bethlehem lineup against the Philadelphia F. C. on the Steel Field tomorrow afternoon. In the lineup he will replace Grainger. Word comes from the Steel Field that the large corps of snow shovelers are working frantically in clearing the snow and tomorrow's game is certain to be played with the kickoff at 2:30 o'clock.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club