Globe-Times -- Bethlehem
Monday, January 27, 1930
A Swing Along Athletic Row

Dreaded Penalties
By a strange coincidence, penalty kicks made and missed proved a dominant factor in determining each of the three victories scored by the New York Nationals over the Bethlehem soccer team this season. In the three games played, four penalties were called, two against the New York Giants and two against Bethlehem. Bethlehem missed on both opportunities and the Nationals profited on as many. Incidentally the margin of each victory was a single goal, determined by the penalty. In the first game played by Bethlehem the Giants converted a spot kick and won the game. In the second meeting in New York two penalties were called, one each against the respective teams. Bethlehem failed and the Nats were successful, winning by a one-goal difference. Here, on Saturday, Bethlehem was favored with a penalty but again the effort went astray and the missed kick determined the issue in which the Nats were triumphant by the single goal.

Stride is Checked
Seventeen straight without a defeat was the string of victories hung up by Fall River before tasting the sting of the first setback in the Atlantic Coast Soccer League. Bethlehem, holding the Marksmen to two draw results and losing one game by a one-goal margin, was unable to stop the successful gallop of the league leaders. Neither were any of the other teams successful in their quest against the Fall River aggregation until Sunday afternoon when Providence curbed the hopes of an undefeated season by winning 1 to 0. Just a week previous, it will be remembered, Providence experienced its most humiliating defeat on the home grounds in seasons when overwhelmed by Bethlehem. The Marksmen were represented by their best and now that the winning pace is broken other teams may have a look-in.

Cup Rounds
Bridgeport, formerly the Hungarian team in the Eastern Soccer League and now a full fledged member of the Atlantic Coast League, was the first victim in the latter loop to fall by the wayside in the blue ribbon soccer classic of the country. While the National open has been in progress for several weeks the first game involving members of the Coast League was played on Sunday afternoon in which New Bedford dumped the Connecticut eleven.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club