The Globe -- South Bethlehem
Friday, January 28, 1916
Bethlehem Steel to Meet Clan McDonald Tomorrow in Important Contest.
Clan McDonald and officials will leave New York, Saturday, on the Black Diamond express, which arrives at South Bethlehem, 11:44 a.m. After lunch, they will proceed to East End field immediately. The team expects to be at full strength, as all their players are in first class condition and trained to the minute. Work on East End field has been made very difficult owing to the warm weather. Several tons of fine ashes and sand were put on the field today and tomorrow morning the playing pitch will be rolled, after which no one will be allowed on the playing field until the teams lineup shortly before 3 p.m. Sawdust and shavings have been strewn around the play8ing pitch for the comfort of the spectators. Allen Montgomery, Newark, N. J., who will referee this game, expects to arrive, early Saturday morning. The game will be started at 3 p.m. The local team has been training hard all week and will take the field in splendid condition. On account of Clan McDonald having the same colors as the locals, blue and while, Bethlehem Steel will play in red and white tomorrow.
The probable line-up for both teams follows:
Beth. Steel -- Clan McDonald
Duncan -- G -- Wilson
Fletcher -- R.F.B. -- Criefelds
Ferguson -- L.F.B. -- Ross
Murray -- R.H.B. -- Dye
Campbell -- C.H.B. -- McCann
Morrison -- L.H.B. -- H. Agar
Butler -- O.R. -- N. Agar
Pepper -- I.R. -- McChesnie
McKelvey -- C.F. -- Elliott
Brown -- I.L. -- Mitchell
Fleming -- O.L. -- Laverty
Referee -- Allen Montgomery, Newark, N. J.
Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club