The home team gave a brilliant exhibition of the attacking game in the first half, during which for the most part the champions were on the defensive. The net result of the New York efforts was a well earned tally by Hayes, the center forward, who raced down the field following a long goal kick. After the restart Bethlehem took the situation in hand and in turn forced the fighting. For fully twenty minutes the champions were held successfully at bay, with occasional spurts on the part of the New York forwards. Finally, Bethlehem scored a corner, but this yield no result.
On the next corner, however Fleming on the left, kicked to Chadwick, who hooked the ball with beautiful precision, and the sphere by some mischance, ran the gauntlet of the entire New York defense.
Bethlehem obtained still another corner and ten minutes later the condition of the ground, which was icy in spots, was responsible largely for the point which gave Bethlehem the game, as McWilliams, New York's right back, missed his footing in the act of stopping a long kick, and McKelvey of Bethlehem, dashing in, shot the wining goal.
The line-up:
New York -- Positions -- Bethlehem
Porter -- G -- Duncan
McWilliams -- R. F. B. -- Fletcher
Garside -- L. F. B. -- Ferguson
Robertson -- R. H. B. -- Murray
Van Den Eynden -- C. H. B. -- Campbell
Nicholas -- L. H. B. -- Kirkpatrick
Heminsley -- O. R. -- McKelvey
Vanderweighe -- I. R. -- Pepper
Haves -- C. -- Eastickae
Puxty -- I. L. -- Chadwick
Cooper -- O. L. -- Fleming
Referee -- T. Cunningham, Linesmen, Borroughs and Spaulding. Goals, Hayes, New York; Chadwick, McKelvey, Bethlehem. Time of halves, 45 minutes.