The Globe -- Bethlehem
Thursday, January 29, 1920
A Swing Along Athletic Row

Good Players on the Reserve List
"Bethlehem has no reserve list players" chirped Manager Sheridan of the soccer champions, in reply to many criticisms stating that some of the best men on the Bethlehem team were being kept on the bench. "Billy" contends that everyone of the eighteen men signed is of championship caliber and that their remaining on the bench in no way reflects on their ability. "Bethlehem is going through a stage of experimenting and when the strongest combination is picked, that is the team that will be retained intact in hopes of again bringing home the laurels in the cup competitions," said Sheridan. He denied the report that Albert Blakey, considered on of the best soccer players in the country, had been released by the club. The impression that he is left go is gained by not using him more in the Bethlehem lineup and also because he is located in Philadelphia where he is working at his trade. It was intended to play him on Sunday against the Federal Ship and he was notified to appear on Clarke's field. However, the game was canceled and now there is a possibility that he will get into the contest against the Wanderers on Saturday. Several Philadelphia clubs, it is believed, would immediately sign Blakey if he was released but the Bethlehem management realizes that he is a valuable man and since he attached his signature to a Bethlehem contract its a cinch that he will be retained by the local club for this season at least. Tommy Murray, who has been missing in the Bethlehem lineup for several weeks, will also probably get back into he lineup in Saturday's game. Tommy was one of the two Bethlehem soccer players who shouldered a gun when the call to the colors was made. He is considered on of the best of the Bethlehem backs but was unable to play recently on account of illness. His is thoroughly recovered and has again reported for practice.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club