On account of Disston playing the Fall River Rover next Saturday, February 5, in Philadelphia in a second round American cup game, the league game schedule with Bethlehem Steel has been postponed. Bethlehem Steel team will go to Jersey City on Sunday, February 6 to play the Jersey City Athletic club in the third round American cup series. The winner will enter the semi-final for the American cup.
James Ford, a former Bethlehem outside right, is playing for Jersey City in the American cup series.
Clan McDonald management stated after the game on Saturday that the Bethlehem Steel team was the best team it had been up against this year and deserved to win. Bethlehem Steel's defense played as usual a steady game on Saturday, but the forward line seemed to be very erratic and only once or twice during the entire game did they show anything like team work. Training by the local team will start tomorrow in preparation for next Saturday's important game with Jersey City. Manager Waldron and several other officials of the Jersey City club witnessed the Clan McDonald-Bethlehem Steel game.