A signal victory 4-1 succeeding three tie scores on Saturday was Bethlehem’s proud lot in the soccer contest with West Hudson. An hour’s compulsory wait and consequential discomfort was Bethlehem’s portion also, but while this hampered the eleven, success crowned the effort and Bethlehems is one step nearer the A. F. A. Cup Championship. Some of the criticisms of the Bethlehems team are unkind if not severe because of tactics of the players, but this is to be expected, especially when it is considered that an "up state" or a country team displays ability to vanquish the metropolitan prides. The Bethlehems could play even better than it did on Saturday is the admission made in one metropolitan newspaper account, a statement that should lend courage to the friends of the team and the team itself. More interest in the team by the townspeople would result in even bettering the team and this the team deserves. The team has placed Bethlehems’ name on the topmost pinnacle in national gridiron matters. Help it to keep the name of the Bethlehems there, should be the aim of all Bethlehemites for the team has done for the Bethlehems what no other agency in the settlement could have done. Bethlehems victory on Saturday and the resultant fame that the Bethlehems have enjoyed because of the progress of their soccer eleven should make each resident of the Bethlehems a firm supporter of the team and an enthusiastic in the sport.