The National Cup game between the Wanderers of Philadelphia and Bethlehem Steel will be played Saturday at Bethlehem Steel field if weather conditions permit. With the first break in the weather the field will be cleared of snow and every possible effort make to stage the game.
Jack Frost has often been defied by soccer players and fans but last Saturday he was King. And in the absence of the real thing the fans reverted to discussing the Mythical All-American Soccer team. If some of the local enthusiasts had their way at least half a dozen of the present Bethlehem team would be on the honor list.
Interest in forthcoming games is no way diminished by recent postponements. The game that stands out as the leading tid-bit is the Robins vs. Bethlehem game. There is a possibility that these teams will meet at least four times before the season is over. Both teams are still in the cup contests and they must meet twice in the League in a home game series. Other contests that are looked forward to by local fans are the visits of the New York F. C. and the Erie A. A. These two teams took the measure of Bethlehem in the league and the fans are wondering how they will make out when the visit the champions.