The Globe -- Bethlehem
Monday, February 3, 1919
Soccer Notes

Bethlehem Steel lost its first goal in the National League series when [...] beat Duncan in the game Saturday. No discredit attaches to the goal keeper as the shot would have beaten any custodian of the sticks.

The Bethlehem halfback line has always been a strong point in their favor and some fans are afraid that the three men who filled the places of the brilliant trio, Kirkpatrick, Campbell and Murray, would not live up to that standard. However, Pepper, [...] and Butler gave an excellent showing against Merchants and made up in ruggedness what they lacked in finish.

Bethlehem has always been noted for the efficiency of the three last men on the defense, but they found the Merchant trio were also brilliant performers for their side. The more work they had to do, the better they seemed to be, particularly Pearce on goal.

Whitey Fleming, an outside left, is playing a great game for Bethlehem, but like McKelvey, he has a tendency to get offside by losing track of the position of the opposing fullbacks. Nevertheless, some of his lightening crosses, should have been converted into goals.

Jimmy Campbell will probably be seen in the lineup of the Steel Workers at their next game, having practically recovered from the injury that kept him on the side lines since the Merchant B game in this city. With Campbell back, Bethlehem looks something like the old combination that had little fear of any opponent.

Murphy and Murray, two former Bethlehem players, are expected here before the close of the season, and if Bethlehem reaches the final of both cups, they will be welcomed additions to the squad.

There is a possibility of Bethlehem Steel playing the pick of the Delaware Shipyard League on Saturday. If arranged, the game will be played on the Third and Lehigh Streets field, the best drawing grounds in Philadelphia. However, if a National League game is decided upon the exhibition contest will have to be postponed until a later date as the league games have preference.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club