The Globe -- Bethlehem
Monday, February 4, 1924
A Swing Along Athletic Row

No Question of Superiority
Although forced to replay the semi-final round of the National Cup competition against the Newark F. C. in Philadelphia on Saturday afternoon, once the game was five minutes old there was no question of superiority. The solution is that the Bethlehems displayed a complete reversal of form over that displayed the week previous and with a revenge piled up a total of six goals to none for the visitors. Newark players can extend thanks to Jimmy Douglas, their brilliant goal keeper, that the final count did not double to total of Bethlehem goals at the end of the game. Field and weather conditions were far more favorable and with the elements in favor of the Steel Workers they simply ran wild. The team also apparently realized that a strong offense is the best defense for it was Bethlehem pressing almost continually with the Newark defense seemingly at times quite demoralized.

Quite Eligible for Olympics
The Newark F. C., although eliminated in the cup races and occupying a lowly position in the standing of the American League, can boast of Jimmy Douglas, their goalie, of a player possibly second to none of the guardians in the East. Douglas is quite a youngster and by the way a bona fide "simon pure." So staunch is he to the amateur faith that it is said he refuses expenses to play with the Newark team. A very likeable chap, quiet and unassuming in his manner, he is quite popular with the fans. In the game against Bethlehem on Saturday the goal work of Douglas ranked with about the best ever witnessed in the Quaker City or as a matter of fact any other city. Facing a barrage of shots practically continuous for ninety minutes and that is not in the least exaggerating, Douglas stood his ground well and cleared many a hard and accurate drive that would have beaten the majority of goal tenders. Douglas is fearless in the goal mouth and is destined for a brilliant future. The six goals that Bethlehem scored were of that variety that no earthly power could have prevented them from lodging in the net. Let it be said right here that Douglas is after an Olympic berth and in our judgment on his display of Saturday has the position firmly sewed up.

Entertaining the "Razzers"
Walter Jackson is quite an accommodating chap and in Saturday's game gave vent to his attitude to please by handing a flock of Newark "razzers" gathered in the stand behind the South goal a chance to slam the anvil. Goldie had worked the ball clear and passed to Alec Jackson less than ten yards out and no one to beat but Douglas. Instead of directing his terrific crash toward the net, "Waddie" lifted the ball with great force and sent it crashing to the stands in the midst of the Newark fans. At the time Bethlehem had little to worry for the team was leading six goals to none. Talking about Jackson, "Waddie" was that much upset by the tie game of last week previous that he threatened to take the next boat across the pond in the event of defeat. And he was quite sincere.

Soccer Laurels Grouped to Three Teams
With the outcome of the Cup tie game it becomes apparent that three teams in the East have proven the real contenders for the American and National Cup honors. The three teams are Bethlehem and Fall River, the latter two Eastern finalists in the National Cup, and the Newark F. C., a contender in the latter competition and now a contender in the American Cup competition. Both Fall River and the New York F. C. won their American Cup games played on Sunday, the former defeating the Crompton eleven and the latter Brooklyn. The present aspect is that Fall River and Bethlehem are going to have quite a few more meetings before the end of the season. The likelihood is that Bethlehem will oppose the New York F. C. in the American Cup semi-final and that the Eastern final in this select set will then dwindle down to Bethlehem and Fall River, the two teams that will battle in the National Cup final. In that event Bethlehem has four more games listed with Fall River, two league affairs, one at home and the other away, one cup battle certain and another practically certain. Sure does look like a revival of old times in Bethlehem soccer circles.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club