The Globe -- Bethlehem
Monday, February 4, 1924
Newark Victim of a 6 to 0 Defeat in Cup Replay Saturday.
Whole Local Team, However, Was In Great Shape For Contest.

by Fred S. Nonnemacher
A terrific and accurate shot, aimed and delivered by Walter Jackson, Bethlehem's brilliant center forward six minutes after the opening whistle, was the turning point that decided the winner of the replay of the semi-final National Cup game on Saturday afternoon. On the Phillies' ground, a much improved turf over that of a week previous, when Newark F. C. and the Steel Workers battled to a one to one tie, Bethlehem not only defeated the Jersey clan, but rolled up a total of points that surely mush have been humiliating to the team that by virtue of its performance the week previous was really a contender for the Eastern final. The score was 6 to 0.

The psychological effect of that first goal, a tally that will be the talk of the four thousand or more fans who witnessed the game for some time to come was readily apparent on the Jersey soccer men and from then on it was no longer a case of which of the two teams would be victorious, but rather how many goals would Bethlehem roll up on its opponents.

The Steel Workers were hitting on all six, displaying a form befitting of champions and swept over their opponents with the effectiveness characteristic of their play which advanced them to the position of formidable contenders in each of the three American soccer classics. Fall River, winners of the New England bracket in the Eastern semi-final, or any other team, would undoubtedly have succumbed to the vicious assault of the Bethlehem front liners, and likewise have found the stalwart defensive absolutely impregnable.

Bethlehem's six goals by no means describes the superiority of the Steel Workers. It was virtually a continual bombardment of the Newark citadel, and right here let it be said, that those four thousand or more fans who witnessed the game saw, possibly, the greatest and most spectacular goal tending ever before witnessed. To Jimmy Douglas, a "simon pure," and who, on his day's display should win the Olympic berth hands down, go the laurels as guardian of the citadel, equal to the best in this glorious land.

The six goals that Bethlehem scored were absolutely beyond any power of handling and, at least, six more that Douglas did handle would have easily beaten the average goal tender. Even if Newark were humiliated by the six to nothing defeat, Douglas saved his teammates from a more severe trouncing.

With perfect coordination in every position and with every player contributing his mite in the glowing Bethlehem victory, the Steel Workers were nevertheless not without its outstanding stars. The Jackson brothers were the individuals who commanded the attention, and time and again earned the plaudits of the fans. Alec Jackson simply ran wild and his sensational display was possibly the best since he joined the Bethlehem team.

Once it looked as though Alec was through for the day when after twenty-five minutes of play in the opening half, he took a knee in the groin and remained on the turf, writing in pain. Drastic treatment, however, restored him, and after remaining on the sidelines for about ten minutes, again assumed his position, and proved even more annoying to the opposing backs than before he was injured.

Each of the six goals were scored by the Jacksons, the brothers sharing equally in the number. Walter crashed the first counter into the net and then thrice successively Alec counted with brother Walter winding up the afternoon with the last two goals. Both players were carefully spotted, but then Goldie, Turner and Granger, the remaining trio, on the forward line also required careful attention. With this quintet proving decidedly effective in their maneuvering when starting a forward movement, the Newark defense became quite demoralized at times.

Possibly one of the biggest surprises of the game was the reversal of form displayed by Goldie. The little wingman did not go so good in the last several games and his work in particular the week previous, was about t he poorest in his repertoire. But the Goldie of Saturday was quite a different individual, and by his display took a strangle hold on the berth that seemed gradually to be tottering. His dribbling, tackling and passing were of the best, but it was really his placing the ball in the goal mouth on his crosses or his excellent placing on corners that proved this most brilliant accomplishments. To the defense let it suffice to say that with Capt. Bill Carnihan and Davy Ferguson at their best, coupled with the work of the always reliable Jock Ferguson, Robertson and MacGregor, the Newark front liners were about as helpless as a ship without a rudder in a heavy gale.

Newark was handicapped by the absence of Sam Fletcher, the former Bethlehem back, who is captain of t he Jersey clan, and who played a star game against Bethlehem the Saturday previous. Fletcher injured his leg in a game played a week ago yesterday and was not physically fit to start, although an interested spectator. Tommy Murray played his usual good game, but even at that the going was pretty heavy for Tommy. Most brilliant for Newark after handing the palm to Douglas was Davy Brown, who occasionally became rather threatening and really alone figured in the two or three chances offered in which there might have been a score.

The Steel Workers completely monopolized the play and this was true from the start to practically the final whistle. Twice did the Newark forwards break away in the early minutes of the game, but the early score of Bethlehem seemed to rob them of all their spirit. So completely did Bethlehem tie up the play in the opening half that only twice was Highfield called upon to handle, and both shots were from very far range and easily taken care of.

Ideal weather conditions favored the game.

Bethlehem -- Newark
Highfield -- G -- Douglas
D. Ferguson -- RFB -- G. McArthur
[...] Ferguson -- LFB -- Nell
MacGregor -- RHB -- Murray
Carnihan -- CHB -- Bleich
Robertson -- LHB -- Kirby
Turner -- OR -- D. McArthur
A. Jackson -- IR -- Lawther
W. Jackson -- CF -- Milne
Granger -- IL - -Heminsley
Goldie -- OL -- Brown
Final score: Bethlehem, 6; Newark, 0. Goals for Bethlehem: Alec Jackson 3; Walter Jackson 3. Referee, A. M. Courage, Philadelphia. Linesmen, Donohue and Crawford, Philadelphia. Time of game, 45 minute halves.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club