Philadelphia soccer fans will have their first peek at the Bethlehem champions this afternoon when Manager Sheridan's protégées pit themselves against the pick of the Delaware Shipbuilding League stars in an exhibition contest. The game has caused quite a furor in soccer circles in that city and the Quaker City prophets, who during the season have compared the achievements of the shipbuilders equally with those of the champions will have a chance to base their contentions in the future on the result of a real conflict. Bethlehem's repeated victories this season are attributed by some to the fact that the hardest and most important games were played in their own back yard and it was believed that if they could be lured to enemy territory the long-sought feat of administering a defeat could be accomplished. While the visit of the champions is looked upon as the gala event of the soccer season, the fans no doubt will be disappointed in not seeing Harry Ratican, credited as the greatest center forward in the country, in action. According to Manager Sheridan, Harry is still under the care of a physician and not in condition to play. Another star that most likely will be missing in the lineup is Campbell, who although fully recovered from a recent injury, will probably remain on the bench. "The race for the cup and league honors is becoming too strong," said Manager Sheridan, "and rather than take a chance of having Campbell injured in an exhibition game, I may keep him on the bench." The men that will replace these two star players are able substitutes, in fact, players that any other team would chose as star first-string material.