The Globe -- Bethlehem
Friday, February 8, 1924
University Room of Hotel Bethlehem Scene of Fine Affair Last Night.

A spirit of cooperation and determination permeated the atmosphere of the university room at the Hotel Bethlehem last evening when every member of the Bethlehem Steel soccer team gathered punctually at 6:30 o'clock and were the guests of the club management at a dinner. Throughout the evening it was manifest that if determination and confidence is a criterion of success, the wearers of the Blue and White of Bethlehem will overcome the last remaining obstacle in their path of winning the Eastern final of the National Cup competition on February 24, when the team opposes Fall River at Brooklyn, N. Y., and then will be equally successful on their invasion of St. Louis in garnering the highest soccer laurels in the United States.

While the ultimate goal of the Steel Workers is to win back the trophy which on no less than four occasions other Bethlehem teams captured, they are also as determined to annex the honors forthcoming in the American Cup competition and the American League race. Having successfully removed the battier in advancing to the position they now hold in each of the three American soccer classics, nothing but accident, it is felt, can prevent them from "sweeping the decks," as someone remarked in the brief but encouraging discourses following the dinner.

The dinner was really the first "get-together" of social intercourse since the present band of players organized to sport the colors of the Bethlehem club. It was given by the management in appreciation and recognition of their merit as players and the remarkable success achieved to date in the soccer campaigning. Gathered at the festive board were in the neighborhood of twenty players comprising the personnel of the soccer team, William Sheridan, secretary of the club, and a few guests which included Rev. Dr. James Robinson, H. E. Lewis, W. L. Lewis, Frank T. Bovie, and Fred S. Nonnemacher.

Brief remarks by the guests and several of the players, including Bill Carnihan, the captain of the squad, followed the repast.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club