The Globe-Times – Bethlehem
Saturday, February 8, 1930
A Swing Along Athletic Row

With the Survivors
By this pairing a guess of winners is Fall River, New York Nationals, Hakoah All-Stars and Bethlehem, and unless all of these teams with the possible exception of Bethlehem, ride through triumphant some individuals on the cup committee will most likely be very much disappointed. The big money in this blue ribbon classic is in New York and Fall River and to take chances of eliminating any or all of the metropolitan clubs would be nothing short of financial disaster. Insofar as Bethlehem and the Giants are concerned it is believed that Bethlehem would be preferred as victor for Bethlehem in competition with any of the New York clubs would undoubtedly prove a bigger drawing card than to have two New York clubs linked up.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club