The Peabody soccer team failed to stop Bethlehems' winning streak in the Allied League the steelworkers defeating the St. George team by 4 goals to 0 at Washington Park, Philadelphia, on Saturday. Fleming as usual was there with the goal-scoring act, having placed the ball in the net three minutes from the kick-off. Morrison followed with another thirteen minutes later, and before the interval ended Lewis and Fleming had registered further tallies. Peabody was unable to score and retired well beaten. Tillie played right full-back for Bethlehems
The American Football Association meeting at Newark on Saturday night threw out three protests placed before that board by the Victors F. C. of Philadelphia; Brooklyn F. C., Brooklyn, and the West Hudson F. C. The delegates from the various cities gave Bethlehems a severe jolt when they suspended fullback McKelvey of the Bethlehems' team from all football for the balance of the season. Mgr. Trend made a very strong plea for leniency stating that in the three years t hat McKelvey had played football this was the first time he had been put off the field and that it should also be remembered that Montieth, the West Hudson player had kicked McKelvey first, however it seemed that they had made up their minds to suspend him for the season and all efforts to the contrary were unavailing. James Tillie the new fullback secured from Cleveland recently and who played in McKelvey's place on Saturday against Peabody shoed that he has the goods and played a good steady game for Bethlehems. There are now only four clubs in the American Football Championship, namely Jersey City F. C., Bethlehem F. C., Tacony F. C., and the Hibernians of Philadelphia. The four clubs will meet on March 14 and 15 to determine who shall go into the final with Jersey City and Tacony vs. Hibernians at Tacony ball park, Philadelphia.