Bethlehem Globe
Wednesday February 9, 1916
Big Game Arranged For Saturday In East End Field.

Definite arrangements were completed between the Bethlehem Steel and Ranger managements relative to the staging of the American League game Saturday, February 12. The game will be played on East End field and will be called at 3 p.m. Wastell and H. Lawson, of Bethlehem Steel will make their first appearance against Ranger on Saturday. Neil Clark will also limber up again on Saturday after a lay off of two months due to injuries of an arm received in a game played against this same team on December 4.

The Bethlehem Steel Company Athletic committee will entertain the members of the soccer team, twenty four in number, to a dinner and musical entertainment in the Crossroads Hotel tomorrow, Thursday, at 8 p.m.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club