The Globe -- South Bethlehem
February 9, 1917
Bethlehem Steel vs. East End.

Bethlehem Steel and East End will play in the new athletic field, Bethlehem, tomorrow. Two years ago, the champions would not have considered playing a local team but the wonderful strides made in soccer by the various teams in the Lehigh Valley places them in a class with the Allied and American league teams of Philadelphia.

The remarkable goalkeeping displayed by Gilmore against the Steel Co. team a few weeks ago is still fresh in the minds of the local fans who witnessed that game. Tomorrow he will again have a chance to show what he can do and the champions are on to score goals. H. A. Williams will referee. Game called promptly at 3 p.m.

The teams will lineup as follows:

Beth. Steel -- East End
Duncan -- G -- Gilmore
Fletcher -- R. F. B. -- Wilson
Ferguson -- L. F. B. -- Rowlands
Murray -- R. H. B. -- Crawford
Clarke - C. H. B. -- Lewis
Kirkpatrick -- L. F. B. -- Nother
McDonald -- O. R. -- Burnett
Forrest -- I. R. -- Rowland
Ratican -- C. F. -- Bland
Butler -- I. L. -- Wright
Chadwick -- O. L. -- Mays

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club