Bethlehem Globe
Thursday, February 10, 1916
Contests to be Played in Bethlehem and Jersey City.

Bethlehem Steel had training this afternoon in Taylor field, included in which was a practice game between the local team and the Lehigh soccer team. This practice game gave Lehigh an excellent chance to work out some new plays in preparation for its game next Saturday, with Lafayette at Easton. The crisp air put lots of life in the players and a fast game was witnessed. Bethlehem Steel will be entertained this 8 p.m. at a sumptuous dinner at the Cross Roads hotel by the Athletic committee of the Bethlehem Steel company.

Work on getting East End field in shape is progressing, and Saturday's contest here with Ranger will undoubtedly be fast. The Jersey City management is making preparations for Sunday and expects to have the grounds in first class shape should the weather continue to keep fair. The game on Sunday, between Jersey City and Bethlehem Steel will be played in the Jersey City baseball park, near the West Side avenue station. The game will be called at 3 p.m.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club