Merchant Ship A soccer team and New York F. C. eleven battled for an hour and a half in the mud on Harriman, Pa., Shipbuilders' athletic field yesterday, each side scoring one goal. It was the return game in the home and home National League series, but it is understood the game must be replayed.
By winning against the powerful soccer eleven representing Morse Dry Dock, of Brooklyn, by the score of 4 goals to 1, at Paterson yesterday afternoon, the Paterson Football Club fought its way into the semi-final round of the American Football Association's cup tie series, for which Bethlehem, the national champion, Robins Dry Dock and Merchants' Ship Team A have also qualified.
Robins Dry Dock soccers, who will journey to Bethlehem Saturday to play the national champions on their own grounds, obtained the verdict yesterday against the Babcock & Wilcox eleven, of Bayonne, by the score of 2 goals to 0,at Todd Field, Brooklyn.
Bethlehem has picked up a nifty fullback in Jimmy Wilson. The former Paterson player is playing a might safe game for the National champions. In fact, Ferguson and Wilson are a pair of backs second to none in the country.
Duncan maintains his form wonderfully for a veteran player. On Saturday he was tested on more than one occasion in some very tight corners, but not once did he seem to be in difficulties.
Aleck McLaughlin makes a good team leader. He is all the time coaching his players, which comes in handy when up against such an experienced combination as Bethlehem.
When Bethlehem played in St. Louis during the holidays Manager Sheridan claims that not once did they play on a field with corner flags and the ground properly marked. Here is a chance for the United States Football Association to get busy.
Looks as if Merchant B will have more players than it can handle in the future. However, there is nothing like being well prepared for the season is only half over with several hard games to come.
Arrangements are being made for Bethlehem to tackle the Hog Island team at Hog Island next Sunday. Should negotiations be completed Manager Sheridan says that he will use his full league eleven, therefore, another corking game should result.
Sam Fletcher, the all-around player of Bethlehem, is of the opinion that Jimmy Wilson, the outside right of Merchant B, is one of the most promising players in the country. Sheridan is also of the same opinion.
Manager Sheridan is anxious for the Shipyard League to send its picked team to Bethlehem later in the season to play a return game. Sheridan is of the opinion that it would be a big drawing card after the splendid game last Saturday.