In the Cup Fight
It has been some years since a Bethlehem soccer team won the National Challenge cup competition which this season is again being competed for under more normal conditions. Victory last year with the strong American Soccer League clubs still on the other side of the fence was perhaps a more or less hollow triumph for with such clubs as Fall River, Boston, Providence and New Bedford on the shelf there was no few to contend the issue was not truly one of testing national soccer supremacy. But it’s all different now. Peace has been restored and the competition this year includes all of the topnotch clubs in the country when all is said and done. No one will venture to case any reflections on the merit of the ultimate winner. Bethlehem got away to a whirlwind start in taking its first ground game by the score of 8 to 1. The victory was expected but not the big score. From now on, however, it will be a real fight for only the cream of the big field of original starters will remain in the competition.