Bethlehem Globe
Friday, February 11, 1916
Members of Bethlehem Organization are Guests of Athletic Committee. Team Has Enviable Record.

The members of the Bethlehem soccer team were banqueted by the Athletic committee of the Bethlehem Steel company last evening at the Crossroads hotel. A sumptuous dinner was served and a most enjoyable time was spent. Spirited talks to the team on their coming games tomorrow and Sunday with Ranger adn Jersey City were made by H. E. Lewis, W. H. Bischoff, R. A. Lewis and Secretary Trend and in response short enthusiastic talks on behalf of the team were made by Morrison, Murray and Fleming.

A short review of the season's work by the team showed that to date it had played sixteen games, win fifteen and lost one, scored sixty-seven goals for, to seven against. Word has been received from the Ranger management that the team will arrive in town early tomorrow morning and that the game will start promptly at 3 p.m. J. H. Carpenter will referee.

The team to line-up against Ranger tomorrow will be selected from teh following players: J. Lawson, Wilson, Whitson, Clark, H. Lawson, Graham, Dean, Wastell, McKelvey, Lance and Graham. These men will report at East End field at 2:30 p.m.

In regard to the Sunday game with Jersey City, the following arrangements have been completed: Membeers of the team not taking part in the game and some of the officials will leave on the 7:34 a.m. excursion train, but the team that will line up against Jersey City will not leave until thet 10:34 a.m. train, which is scheduled to leave Bethlehem station on the Jersey Central. The team to line-up against Jersey City follows: Duncan, Fletcher, Ferguson, Murray, Campbell, Morrison, McDonald, Butler, Pepper, Brown, and Fleming; reserves, Clark, McKelvey and Graham. The foregoing players are requested to be at the Bethlehem station, Jersey Central line, not later than 10:15 o'clock Sunday morning. C. Creighton of New York City, will referee. The game will start promptly at 3 p.m. at the Jersey City baseball park located near the West Side Avenue station, Jersey City.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club