The Globe -- Bethlehem
Saturday, February 11, 1922
A Swing Along Athletic Row

Rush Brittan to the Rescue
With its grasp on first place in the American Soccer League none too secure, the Philadelphia F. C. is rushing Harold Brittan, crack center forward, to the rescue and Quaker City fans are pinning their faith on the speedy and sure shooting of the former Bethlehem F. C. player to turn the tide. Brittan has been out of the game since Dec. 10, suffering with an injured leg and during the period he was indisposed was under treatment in this city. According to gossip picked up around the Bethlehem Steel gymnasium, where Harold was a daily visitor, he is thoroughly recovered and ready to assume the responsibilities the club places on him. Philadelphia will have to step out or surrender its place at the top of the league standing. Virtually four other teams are on the heels and coming fast. Brittan's return will be marked with the game against the Fall River club in Philadelphia this afternoon.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club