The Globe -- Bethlehem
Wednesday, February 12, 1919
Soccer Notes

The Bethlehem Steel-Robins Dry Dock game at Bethlehem Steel Field, in the National League, on Saturday, looks like being an excellent contest. The Dry Dock aggregation has never been seen in this locality as a team, but several of their players have played here with various teams, and their ability is well known. Robertson, the right fullback, played for New York F. C. last year in a game where Bethlehem came nearer being defeated on their own field than at any time in their history. In that game New York lead by two goals to one until late in the second half. Vandeneyden, formerly of the New York F. C., a bustling halfback, and Garside, former caption of the Paterson F. C., are also members of the Robins team. The other players are all well known in soccer circles and they will be sure to give an excellent account of themselves


Another great game booked for Bethlehem Steel Field is the fourth round National Cup game with the Goodyear Rubber Company, of Akron, Ohio, scheduled for March 1. The Goodyear team has eliminated all the teams in its distract, and is said to be the strongest contender for the National trophy that ever came out of the West. This will probably be the best opportunity that Bethlehem will have of playing at home in the National trophy because, if it is victorious it will probably have to go to Chicago in the semi-final.

The Bethlehem lineup for Saturday will be the strongest placed on the field for some time, as all the players on the list are in good condition and training hard for the game. Everyone realizes that a slip now will probably be fatal to its pennant aspirations.

The British public is now turning to soccer with the same enthusiasm that prevailed previous to the war, and immense crowds are the rule at all the games. Two games on the same day in Glasgow recently drew crowds of 55,000 and 60,000 each, and several other games in the same city drew large crowds. These figures will be dwarfed in the near future if the international games are renewed. [...] Scotland vs. England game at Glasgow is usually well over the 100,000 mark.

American soldiers who were in training in England became enthusiastic about soccer, and will be sure to maintain their interest when they return to this country. Several American and Soccer players were given trials with British clubs and usually made good.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club