Fear Millar's Soccer Career Ended
The many friends of Bob Millar, the former Bethlehem Steel soccer player who is now sporting the colors of Robins Dry Docks F. C. of Brooklyn, will be grieved to learn that for the past five weeks "Bob" is lying in a Brooklyn hospital with a severely injured side. Those closely associated with Millar fear that the injury will bring to a close his brilliant soccer career. Jack Lance, also a former Bethlehemite and now located in Brooklyn, was a visitor in this city this week and conveyed the sad news. "His condition is due to his loyalty to his team," said Lance. When the Dry Dockers went to St. Louis during the Christmas holidays where they made a clean-up Millar was accidentally kicked in the side and suffered painful injuries. He was given first aid treatment and upon the return of the team to Brooklyn was sent to the hospital. He apparently recovered, that is the injured continued to bother him. The week following the return of the team the Robins were scheduled to meet Morse Dry Docks, their most feared rival. "Bob" apparently realized that the full strength of the team was needed to cope with the campaigning of the Morse crowd and left the hospital to play in this game. Early in the fracas his side began to bother him again and although greatly handicapped he stuck it through to the finish. The result was that immediately after the game he was again rushed off to the hospital and has remained there ever since. A diagnosis of his case revealed several torn muscles in his side. "The loss of Millar is a severe blow to the team," said Lance. "The Robins have a strong reserve list but hardly a man to fill the shoes of "Bob" who undoubtedly is recognized as t he peer of American soccer players. His clever dribbling, cool and heady play featured in every game and opponents feared him as being one of the most dangerous men on the field." Millar, it is remembered campaigned with the Bethlehem team last year and with Harry Ratican left for the Robins plant. While here he was one of the strongest players of the championship team and fans often marveled at his work. His loss to the game would be greatly regretted and his local admirers are pulling hard for him to stage a complete recovery. Lance also imported the information that the snow and sleet played havoc with the Robins schedule but that arrangements were made to play a game on Saturday. Of course, Jack did not figure on today's snow. Close to half a hundred men were employed in clearing the field and the players as well as the followers were looking forward to the game with Fall River, Mass., in the National Cup, slated for Saturday.