The Globe -- Bethlehem
Saturday, February 15, 1919
When the Soccer Whistle Blows

Lured by the interesting race for soccer honors in this country three Canadian stars will shortly be sporting the colors of two Eastern teams. Bethlehem will benefit by one Sid Brown, a halfback of repute. The other two are headed straight for Bristol where they will join the Merchant A, in hope of annexing the honors in the National League and the American Cup competition.

The recent invasion of the Canadians to compete with the Bethlehem champions in an exhibition contest is playing havoc with the soccer organizations in that country. The Canadians got a taste of the speed produced by the American teams and the latter also got a glimpse of the ability of the "Kanucks." As a result the latter's desire to cast their lot with the American teams caused them to desert the old playing grounds and the teams they join will greatly benefit. The exhibition contests in which the champions twice defeated the Canadians were big attractions in soccerdom and can really be attributed as the reason for these stars deserting their former ranks. Since those games, five of the Canadians have joined American teams, the two Merchant clubs benefiting by two each and the Bethlehem one.

The two players to join the Merchant outfit are Ernest Fidler, of Toronto Scottish, Arthur Halliwell, of Toronto Ulster. It is also reported that Ted Hamilton will come to the States next week and will sign with Merchants or Bethlehem. All three players played against Bethlehem with the picked Canadian team at Newark, N. J., and also in Canada for the benefit of the Sportsmen War Fund. The players come here with splendid reputations and are considered the biggest catch in years.

Brown, who will play with Bethlehem, no doubt has been secured to take the place of Willie Kirkpatrick, who quit the team to join the Merchant B squad. The Bethlehem management realizes the ability of this new man and trust the find as an excellent addition to the club.

One of the new men signed by the Merchants is a goal tender and although heralded as one of the best in the game, will have to travel some to oust Harry Pearce. It is not likely that this will be accomplished and that in signing the player it is not for that purpose. The management, however, it is believed are looking forward to the time when Harry will have to forsake the club to leave with the Phillies on their spring training trip. It is said that Pearce was offered a satisfactory contract by the baseball club but has not yet signed the document.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club