The Globe -- South Bethlehem
Thursday, February 17, 1916

Fairview will meet in the home of Joseph Morrison, 507 East Broad Street, Bethlehem, on Friday evening.

The American League of Philadelphia will hold a semi-monthly meeting tomorrow night in the Inquirer building, Philadelphia. Matters pertaining to the benefit game between the Anglo Saxons and American teams which is to be staged at Disston ball park, Saturday, March 4, will be considered. It is expected that the committee will select the players from the various teams in the league to play in this game. Owing to the postponed cup games, a further league schedule will be gone over.

Bethlehem Steel is training hard in anticipation that the games with the Victor Talking Machine and Jersey City may be played next Saturday and Sunday. Should these games be postponed, the local management will try to play the Victor Talking Machine on Tuesday, February 22, and the Jersey City game would have to be held over to February 27.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club