The Globe-Times – Bethlehem
Monday, February 17, 1930
Meeting With New York Giants in Second Round Called Off.

For the second time in the National Cup competition the Bethlehem soccer team experienced a postponement when the scheduled game against the New York Giants, listed for Sunday on the latter’s grounds was called off. Field conditions were given as the reason.

In the first round the Steel City booters were denied settling the issue with the Newark Portuguese on the original date and a week ago Sunday cleaned up in this game. Yesterday’s match was the second round in the blue ribbon classic. As a result of the postponement league games are piling up for most certainly this game will be ordered played next Sunday.

Bethlehem players were fortunately spared an unnecessary trip to New York for early Sunday morning telephone advices were received here calling off the games and players were notified before train times.

Fall River and New Bedford also had their game setback until next Sunday, by virtue of postponement. The game was scheduled for the Fall River grounds at Tiverton, R. I., but field conditions brought about by snow were such that it was deemed advisable to call off the game.

The Nat Agar enterprise was evident in the game played between the Brooklyn Wanderers and New York Hakoah. The home grounds of the Brooklyn team was cleared of snow and incidentally Brooklyn eliminated Hakoah, winner of the classic last season.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club