Archie Stark, remembered by Bethlehem soccer fans as star center-forward on Bethlheem Steel teams of World War I years, will be the principal speaker Monday when Johnson Legion Post presents an "Old-Timers' Soccer Reunion" at 7:30 p.m.
Plans for the program were advanced last night at a meeting in post headquarters, N. New St., attended by Scotty Romig, Legion athletic director; Charley Garcia, Joe Saurino, Don Klinkhoff and Rex Vresics.
Monday's program will be open to the public. Many of Bethlehem's best-remembered booting stars have been invited to attned, including Bill Carnihan, Bill Forrest, Bob Stewart, Jock Ferguson, Ernie Peacock, Jimmy Easton, Tom Fleming, Dave Carson, Bob Miller, Sam Fletcher, Bill Highland, Jim Wilson, Bill Strak, Bill Sheridan, Bob Compton, Chilly Altemose, Steve Hudi, Bud Nivins, Woody King, Joe Kresge, Geza Molnar, Bill Elek, Warren Achey, Jack Trotter Sr., Clarence Ungerer, Mariano Garcia, Tomm Belew, Dick Byington and many others.
In addition to Archie Stark, remarks will be offered by Bill Stark, Pop Farrow, Phila. League president; John Newbit, Phila. League secretary; Easton, Sheridan, Frank Broad, school district physical education director, and Paul Troxell, city superintendant of recreation.
The affair is being held for a two-fold purpose: to give the scarred-shin veterans a chance to reunite for an evening and to help stimulate interest in a soccer team which the Legion post plans to field next season under Saurino's coaching.
Johnson Post hopes to put the team on the field, aid in its becoming an extablished success and then branch out with a soccer program for youngsters in the city.
"Bethlehem once ranked with the best soccer cities in teh world," explains Romig. "We're hoping to recapture a bit of that past glory. Soccer is a great sport which should regain its place in Bethlehem's sports picture.