The Globe – South Bethlehem
Thursday, February 18, 1915
Bethlehems Will Play Two on Home Gridiron.

Bethlehems has arranged for two games in Bethlehem this week end. West Philadelphia will be hear on Saturday to fill an American League engagement, and on Monday, Washington’s birthday, Philadelphia Ranger will play the local team an American League game.


Duncan and Fletcher are proving themselves valuable additions to Bethlehems team.

Bethlehems half-back line is without doubt one of the best in the country today.

Graham and Pepper played well in the first half last Saturday, but seemed to tire quickly in the second half due in all probability to Pepper having been ill of grip all week, and Graham having been off the team due to an injured leg.

Ford has been off color in the last two or three games.

Millar has been decidedly off color during he last few games.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club