The Globe -- South Bethlehem
February 18, 1916
Lehigh Will Meet Lafayette and Bethlehem Steel Will Clash with Victor Talking Machine Co.

A double soccer bill will be staged tomorrow on Taylor field, Lehigh vs. Lafayette and Bethlehem Steel vs. Victor Talking Machine company. The first which will start promptly at 2 p.m. will be between Lehigh and Lafayette in a semi-final intercollegiate game and a fight to the finish is anticipated between these great rivals. This game will be followed at 3:30 p.m. by a postponed American league game between Bethlehem Steel company and Victor Talking Machine company. Bethlehem Steel is anxious to further improve its standing in the league table and also increase its goal average. No word has been received from Jersey City management relative to the calling off of the Sunday game.

At the American league meeting last evening, the committee in charge of the American league benefit game to be staged in Philadelphia, March 4, announced the teams selected from the league to represent the All-American and Anglo-Saxon teams. Bethlehem Steel took first honors by having six of its players picked to play in this game, Murray, and Gaynor being selected to play on the All-American, Ferguson, Campbell, Pepper and Fleming being picked on the Anglo-Saxon team.

The team to oppose the Victor Talking Machine Co., tomorrow on Taylor field will be selected from the following who are to report at 2 p.m.: Butler, Wilson, Fletcher, H. Lawson, Clark, Lance, McKelvey, Dean, Whitson, Graham, McDonald, Fleming, J. Lawson, Pepper, Brown and Murray. Referee for Bethlehem Steel vs. Victor T. M. game, J. H. Carpenter.

The Lehigh lineup follows: Rau, Coffin, Morrison, Lees, Barclay, Gorcese, Shockley, Lewis, Henderson, Claser, Clement; reserves, Norath and Walker. The referee for this game will be H. E. Lewis, Bethlehem.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club