The Globe – South Bethlehem
Friday, February 19, 1915
Could Not Come to Bethlehem According to Message – Double Header to be Played.

Bethlehems management this morning received a telegram from West Philadelphia stating that the club could not fill its league game tomorrow with Bethlehems and therefore would forfeit the game to Bethlehems. A telegram was also received from Secretary Jones of the American League stating that he had used in influence in trying to induce West Philadelphia to come, but without success. The action of the West Philadelphia team in forfeiting to Bethlehems is considered unsportsmanlike. It did the same last year at the end of the season when it was drawn to meet Bethlehems in the final of the Allied Cup competition, but refused to play Bethlehems and forfeited the game. Bethlehems management has arranged to play a double header for the one admission. The first game will be called at 2 p.m., and will be between Bethlehems Reserve and the Nativity Men’s Club teams. These two teams will play the first round cup game of the Wilbur competition and this game alone will be worth seeing as there is great rivalry between these two teams which are very evenly matched. At 3:30 Bethlehems first team will lineup against an out-of-town team. On Monday, the Philadelphia Ranger will be here for sure and will play Bethlehems an American league game. This game will be called at 3 p.m. The East End field has been put in fine condition and there is every prospect of being two fast games seen. Nativity vs. Bethlehems Reserve game was advertised to have been played on the Northampton Heights field but has been transferred [ . . . ] wishes to give the public two good games tomorrow. The Bethlehems’ first team will be selected from the following men” Duncan, Scaife, Peacock, Toole, Fletcher, Lance, Murray, Lawson, Campbell, Clarke, Morrison, Ford, Pepper, Millar, Graham and Fleming.

The Reserve team to battle against the Nativity in the Wilber Cup competition will be selected from the following players: Wright, Summerbell, Whitson, Cassidy, Clarke, Quibill, Lewis, Pepper, Crawford, Gallagher, Camaletti, Witherspoon and Love.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club