The Globe - South Bethlehem
Monday, February 19, 1917
Four Regulars Out of Hibernians' Lineup and National Champion Takes Intercity Match.

A heavy and treacherous field here yesterday was responsible for a slow game between Bethlehem Steel, national and American champion, and the Hibernian F. C., Philadelphia, in an intercity match, a score of six goals to none in favor of the steelworkers resulting.

Due to an unauthorized statement that the game had been called off on account of a snow squall, four or five of the Hibs' best players did not accompany their team, so that the visitors were obliged to utilize two local players. With their team mixed up good combination work was lacking.

A good-sized crowd was in attendance for a contest between the two teams is always a good attraction here. After ten minutes of play, Pepper, the star performer of the afternoon, shot the first goal on a pass from Fleming, which Goalkeeper O'Donnell was unable to save. Pepper scored the goal after Jakobs attempted to [ . . . ] the ball. O'Donnell kicked the ball straight at Pepper, who speedily returned it, the goaltender being taken off his guard.

Ratican obtained the third goal on a straight, hard shot. In the second period it soon was noticeable that the Hibs had spent their strength and they had only two more chances to score, which Duncan saved. Ratican succeeded in adding one more goal for Bethlehem and Forrest, at inside left, two more, the final score being six to nothing.

Bethlehem forced five corner kicks throughout the game, none of which netted a point and the visitors had three.

The lineup:

Bethlehem Steel - Hibernians
Duncan - G - O'Donnell
Spalding - R. F. B. -- Jones
Ferguson - L. F. B. -- Watson
Murray - R. H. B. -- Dorsey
[ . . .]ark - C. H. B. -- Stewart
Kirkpatrick - L. H. B. -- Smith
Jakobs - O. R. -- McCarney
Pepper - C. F. -- Graham
Ratican - C. F. -- Lance
Forrest - I. L. -- Prack
Fleming - O. L. - L. Brown
Goals - Ratican 3, Forrest 2, Pepper 1. Referee, James Walder, Philadelphia. Linesmen, Hibernians, Havel; Bethlehem, McDonald. Time of halves, 45 minutes.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club