The Globe -- Bethlehem
Wednesday, February 19, 1919
Athletic Chatter

Attention has been called to a length article recently appearing in a New York daily in which the Bethlehem Steel soccer team is featured. Not featured in a vein that could be said meets with the approval of local adherents but in such a manner as to cause surprise throughout the entire soccer world and probably agitated by some ill-designing person. The article referred to goes into details of dissension among the local players relative to religious and other reasons which threatened to result in the breaking up of the team of undisputed champions. Efforts to establish the source of this article by the local management have been of no avail but was strongly denied when called to their attention. Further it was stated that there is more harmony in the club at present than has been for years, although at no time was there any serious internal trouble other than the usual occasional squabbles which arise at times among players of all clubs.

This year especially has the local club been held out for unjust criticism and quite frequently were the rumors spread that the great combination that has been a thorn in the side of every soccer club in the country has been on the verge of a smash. Despite these sayings, the team has gone along a consistent winner and is again headed for the national honors. Bethlehem looked any thing like a shattered or dismembered organization on Saturday when they defeated the Robins Dry Dock team, of Brooklyn, N. Y., but instead presented the same standard of a winning organization evident the past se3veral years. When the team played in St. Louis during the Christmas holidays, articles alleged to have been misquoted and cited to certain players were published. These papers were sent East about the same time the players arrived here and to one of the players as given credit of saying the Steel Workers were a "squealing lot" when defeated. This player, whose home before coming to Bethlehem was in St. Louis, did not accompany his teammates East. Immediately it was talked about that he never would return and would probably ask for his release and play with one of the St. Louis clubs. Nevertheless, several days later the player put in his appearance and is again out on the field with the club. Quite frequently the question is also asked why certain players are not allowed in the game. If those presenting these queries would only stop and consider, they would learn that the Steel Workers carry a reserve lot of players that are equal to almost any other club in the country and in justice to these players they are sometimes selected to get into the game. This is characteristic in all sports, especially football and baseball, when the management often temporarily benches players that are rated as starts to give a second-string entry a chance. With a capable reserve list, it would not be right to have one set of players continually in the game. However, these changes are quite likely to lead to talk and it is probably due to this condition that the article appearing in the metropolitan paper was agitated. Bethlehem Steel has proven its superiority over any club in the country and it is with a desire to wreck the combination that different stories detrimental to the welfare of any organization have been circulated.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club