The Globe -- Bethlehem
Wednesday, February 20, 1924
Corner Kicks

The battle at Dexter Field, Brooklyn, next Sunday for the right to represent the East in the final for the National championship is sure to be the outstanding soccer tilt of the year. Both teams are going through extra training sessions in anticipation of a strenuous test of endurance. Bethlehem will be ready for any pace that the New Englanders may set and with an even distribution of the breaks the Steel Workers should win.

Harold Brittan, the former Bethlehem center forward, will be seen in the lineup against Bethlehem on Sunday. Brittan was a great player when with the Steel Workers, but he seems to have lost a lot of his former dash. However, he will require continual watching, as he will be out to travel in high gear against the locals. He has never been very successful against Carnihan and the admirers of the Bethlehem captain confidently expect to see him stop the Fall River best bet with the same aggressive tackling that has characterized his work all season.

The Fall River fans expect a lot from Fred Morley, the center inside left, but Fred will be up against one of the most finished halfbacks ever seen in this country in Bob MacGregor, the versatile right half of the Steel Workers. Mac knows every angle of the game and his passing to the forwards is neat and accurate and often leads to goals.

Kerr, the Fall River goalkeeper, and Highfield, the Bethlehem custodian, are just about on a par as defenders. Both know the game from every angle and no ordinary shot will get beyond them on Sunday. However, it is the fullbacks that Bethlehem expects to have the edge on Fall River. The brothers Ferguson are more finished players than Tate and Kemp, the pair who will defend the goal for the New Englanders. The veteran Jock Ferguson is still the brainiest defender in the game and his presence in the lineup is a great steadying influence to his teammates.

Walter Jackson will be shadowed from the opening whistle. Three goals in each of the last two rounds of the cup w ill determine the Fall River attitude against the Bethlehem sharpshooter.

Alec Jackson should profit by the attention that is sure to be lavished on his brother and it would not surprise local fans to find the "kid" a very important factor in the attack. His speed and willingness to work hard and shoot often are great assets in a forward and he can be relied upon to travel the entire distance at top speed.

Goldie and Turner, the outside forwards in the Bethlehem attack, can take the ball up the field as good as any in the game. They can also find the net when goals are needed, as was forcibly demonstrated last Saturday in the league game with the Phillies. Turner got the goal that tied the score and Goldie found the net with a shot that decided the game in favor of the locals.

From reports received at the Steel gym, the Steel Workers will have the biggest soccer following that ever left Bethlehem to root for the Steel Workers. The team is out to win and they hope to make the return journey a happy one for the loyal rooters.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club