The Globe -- South Bethlehem
Wednesday, February 23, 1916

Duncan, goalkeeper of the Bethlehem Steel team has fully recovered from an attack of grip and joined the training squad, yesterday.

Wastell, the soccer player brought here from Scranton, for trial with the local champion, did not make good and has been released by Secretary Trend.

Dean, the former Notte county outside right, who came here from Canada, last September, seems to be striking his true form and with a little more speed and aggressiveness added to his football ability, should have no difficulty in holding down the outside right berth of the local champions.

Bob Miller, the former Bethlehems' star, who is now playing for Babcox and Wilcox, and Hibernian, Philadelphia, last week signed with Allentown, to assist in the Wilbur cup competition.

Babcox and Wilcox was knocked out of the National Cup competition by the West Hudson team of Newark in the third round. Bethlehem Steel will meet West Hudson, Newark, in the fourth round.

If this weather continues, there is every prospect of the game with Jersey City being played, Sunday, February 27. Bethlehem Steel company management will be notified on Friday evening if the grounds are playable.

The local squad was given light road work yesterday and tomorrow on Taylor field will lien up for a stiff ninety minute practice game.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club