Bob Millar proved that he is a clever outside left when he took Tommy Fleming's place on Saturday and made a good impression with the fans, his footwork having the defense worried at all times. His one weakness seemed to be his delay in crossing the ball. This game the defense an opportunity to close in and get set for the cross-over.
Butler, at inside right, was also clever on the ball but his greatest asset was his ability to find the player who was in the best position to shoot and pass to him at the right moment.
Muir, of the visitors, although a clever forward, showed his versatility when he gave a great display in the center halfback position and often when the Steel Workers seemed to be in a mood to pass and re-pass among themselves he frequently broke up the party in a most approved style.
Jimmy Campbell, although not in the condition that earned him the reputation of being the leading halfback in the country, is rapidly rounding into shape. His leading of the ball and judicious passing to the forwards left little to be desired.
Fletcher almost broke into the scoring column when a shot from him struck the crossbar on the bound with the goalkeeper beaten. Sam is making good as a halfback and his vigorous style of play will be a great asset to the Steel Workers when the final cup games come along.
Bethlehem Steel will undergo special training this week for the Fourth Round National Cup game with the Goodyear Rubber Company F. C. of Akron, O., on Bethlehem Steel field next Saturday. The Westerners come here reputed as a much stronger aggregation than the Joliet F. C. which journeyed East last year. Several of the players are well known in the East and no chances can be taken by the Steel Workers.