The Globe-Times – Bethlehem
Tuesday, February 25, 1930
To Meet Agarites in Semi-Final Round of National Cup Competition

A semi-finalist in the National Challenge Cup competition, the Bethlehem soccer team will oppose Brooklyn Wanderers in this round on Hawthorne Field, Brooklyn, on Sunday afternoon. IN another bracket Fall River will meet Pawtucket at Tiverton, R. I.

Brooklyn will have the advantage of playing on the home field, but in spite of this arrangement the Bethlehem players, inspired by their victory over the Giants, are confident that they can curb the Agarites and will come through as one of the divisional finalists.

The victory over the Giants was not entirely without its toll, for in the wake of the triumph three players were submitted to the casualty list. Bill Carnihan, center halfback; Massie, an inside forward, and Tommy Gillespie, right wing forward, returned home nursing bruises.

Massie and Carnihan are responding rapidly to medical treatment and are expected to be fit and sound for the Brooklyn game but the condition of Gillespie is more doubtful. While every effort will be made to keep the team successful in the two rounds intact, it may be that a change will be necessitated for Gillespie’s position.

Alec Dick is probably the most versatile of the forwards, being capable in most any position in the front line. His work, however, at outside left has been of such outstanding merit that it is practically certain that he will be retained in that berth.

The most likely understudy for Gillespie is George Purgavie. The rotund speedster who has seen considerable service in league games up to the time he was injured, is an outside left but may have to adapt himself for service on the opposite side of the line.

With the National title in sight players are down to strict training hoping to achieve the most cherished honors in competition in this country.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club