National League Schedule May be Dropped
Although not official, it is hinted by pretty good authority that the Bethlehem F. C. management is contemplating dropping out of the National league race and directing its attention solely to the two cup competitions. This move is prompted by the many postponements and is probably found necessary so that schedules can be completed without extending too far into the baseball season. There is little chance in doubling up on the schedule like in other sports for the simple reason that to do so would mean flirting with disaster in the important meets. Anyhow, the National Leagues is only a side runner to the cup competitions, the National leading with the American holding a close second. No sane manager would allow his team to double on a schedule by playing a league game on a Saturday and following with an important cup clash the following day. It might be a wise move of the management if under the conditions the National league games were dropped and when playing again becomes possible concentrate all efforts on the cup competitions. If one club takes this action, there is little doubt but that the others will follow.