The Globe-Times – Bethlehem
Friday, February 28, 1930
A Swing Along Athletic Row

Our “All-Americans”
An All-American soccer team will tour in Uruguay this summer and from the raft of big time teams doing business in this country will be selected the players to represent the United States. Rumors of who the lucky ones will be have been wafted back and fourth but for some reason or other nothing of a definite nature has been announced. The U. S. F. A. is selecting the team and apparently the national body has decided to hold its choice in abeyance until the conclusion of the league and National Cup competition. Several Bethlehem players were linked in the gossip and the first inkling of anything substantial to verify this chatter is conveyed in the following appearing in today’s issue of the Herald-Tribune: “It is practically certain that Bethlehem will be represented in the All-American soccer team that will take part in the world championship to be played in Uruguay this summer. The players said to have been already selected are Johnny Jaap, inside right, and Archie Stark, center forward. The choice of the two Bethlehem players is no surprise to those who are familiar with soccer in this country.”

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club