The Globe -- South Bethlehem
Thursday, March 2, 1916

A hard two hours' training was gone through yesterday afternoon by the Bethlehem Steel squad on Taylor field. On account of Bethlehem Steel playing West Hudson, next Sunday, the members of the club selected by the American league Games committee to take part in the American-Anglo-Saxon benefit game, in Philadelphia, on Saturday, will not be allowed to take part, as their services will be needed by the local team on Sunday.

These members of the Bethlehem Steel team were picked: Ferguson, Campbell, Pepper, Fleming, Murray, and Gaynor. To allow these players to take par in this benefit game only one day before playing an important cup game with West Hudson would endanger Bethlehem Steel's chances of winning. However, the Games committee of the American league, has been notified by Secretary Trend that the following players will be allowed to take part in Saturday's game in Philadelphia, in place of the above mentioned players: Gaynor, McKelvey, Clarke and Wilson.

A meeting of the American league of Philadelphia will be held this evening in the Inquirer building, when the final selection of the two teams will be made up and the players of the various teams, who are finally selected will be notified by letter.

The management of the Allentown Y. M. C. A. is not taking any chances of losing the Wilbur cup this year. Besides having O'Hare and Duffy, Brooklyn Celtic; Newton, late of Victor, Philadelphia; Garvey, late of Bethlehems; Haigh, of Falls, they have signed one Robert Millar of Babcox and Wilcox and Hibernian to a Wilbur cup form.

The Blue Mountain league has made arrangements to stage the final game of the Wilbur cup on Lehigh field, April 22. The team to pay against Bethlehem Steel Co. team on March 18, will be chose at a meeting, next week.

The other semi-final will be between Bethlehem East End and Nativity Men's club. They will fight it out on the East End field or Lehigh field. This will be an interesting game and will be keenly fought on account of the great rivalry that exists between these teams. Bethlehem East End was the team that put Nativity out of the cup contest last season and it is again favorite for this game, which should draw out a large crowd owing to the fact that this is the only game in town.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club