The Globe -- Bethlehem
Thursday, March 4, 1920
A Swing Along Athletic Row

Probably Expected Too Much
In announcing the proposed Scandinavian tour of the St. Louis soccer squad, to be reinforced by seven of the Eastern soccer stars which include the name of Harry Ratican, the former Bethlehem player is criticize as not living up to exceptions of the last tour, in the press reports emanating from New York City. A man with a reputation is often placed in a peculiar predicament, particularly is of he fails to live up to this "rep" in any one game or set of games and it may be that the criticism was influenced by expected too much. Then there may be other reasons which are not made known to the public. At any rate the many friends of Ratican in Bethlehem feel certain that he has lost none of this skill on the playing field and for argument can back this up by referring to his campaigning this season with the Robins Dry Dock eleven of Brooklyn. The press dispatch says:

"Ratican is the one man who failed to attain the heights of popularity reached by the others. He has been the leading goal scorer of the United States for the past three seasons and as a player is ranked at the top. But last year on his trip to Scandinavia with the Bethlehem players he did not live up to his reputation. The result was a clash with T. W. Cahill, secretary of the U. S. F. A. who was in charge of the trip, and severe criticism by the Swedish soccer enthusiasts."

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club