All Set for the Big Excursion
Weather continuing such as experienced the last two days will not only place Dexter Park, Brooklyn, into playing condition but will present a playing pitch at its very best, dry and fast, all of which augurs a fast game. Dexter Park, by the way, is the field selected on which will be decided whether Bethlehem Steel soccer team or Fall River will be the Eastern finalist to invade the West to compete in the final for the National Challenge Cup. A fast and dry field will no doubt be a big advantage to the home towners for it is usually on a turf of this kind that the Steel Workers give their greatest display. Critics throughout the East contend that the game will be decidedly a close tilt but hand the palm to Bethlehem to come through victorious.
Fall River Signs Star Player
Jimmy Fryer, one of the best center halfbacks in the country, will from now on sport the colors of Fall River. Fryer made his debut as a member of the Harold Brittan clan on Sunday in the American League game against the Brooklyn F. C. To effect the transfer of the brilliant back, it is said Fall River dug deep and paid no less than a thousand dollars. To soccer fans the career and merit of Fryer is well known, for last year he captained the successful Paterson F. C., winners of the National title. This season he played for the most with the New York F. C. and was one of the outstanding bulwarks on the defense of that scrappy team. From what is learned Fryer's contribution to the Eastern final next Sunday will be as a spectator from the side lines for his late acquisition by the Fall River management makes him ineligible to start in this important classic.
Western Invasion Only at this Time
While no trip of any sort has been definitely planned for the Bethlehem Steel soccer team, it is more than certain that in the event of the Steel Workers crashing through for the National title the management will not be satisfied with the laurels thus gained but will plan an invasion of some sort and more than likely an international invasion. This is especi9ally true since it is felt that the Bethlehem Club this season is represented by the best team in the history of its career and one that can cope with the strongest of the international aggregations. The invasion of the St. Louis soccerites after the Challenge Cup competition is decided is practically certain and also definitely certain that one of the teams to be opposed by the selected eleven of the St. Louis district will be the Bethlehem Steel squad intact. This will be but one of the big soccer events we believe which will be arranged for the local enthusiasts.
Still have the Edge
While Fall River is leading in the American Soccer League race the scant advantage enjoyed by the New Englanders is by no means an assurance of victory. In fact, the chances of the Steel Workers seem even brighter than those of Fall River, for Bethlehem is one game in arrears and when caught up with the league leaders, providing Bethlehem is victorious, the Steel Workers will be setting the pace with a one point margin. Bethlehem enjoyed the league lead over the last weekend for a period of twenty-four hours by defeating Newark here last Saturday while Fall River was idle. However, the following day Fall River again assumed the lead by winning from Brooklyn by the score of 1 goal to none. What is most interesting to the fans is the fact that Bethlehem and Fall River still have two league contests to play, one at home and the other at Fall River.