The Globe -- Bethlehem
Tuesday, March 4, 1924
Dexter Field Brooklyn In Fair Condition for National Cup Classic.

Intensive sessions of training are in order on the Bethlehem Steel athletic field these days with the Steel Workers priming for their most important tilt of the season to date. The meeting of their keen rivals, Fall River, in the Eastern final of the National Cup competition to be held at Dexter Park, Brooklyn, N. Y., on Sunday afternoon.

Walter Jackson, the dashing cup forward of the Bethlehem team, who saw no service since the Steel Workers annexed the semi-final from the Newark F. C., again donned the harness and took his regular position. Jackson will resume his campaigning matched against Harold Brittan, a former Bethlehemite, next Sunday afternoon.

With the trip to St. Louis at stake and the chance of winning the National title, the Steel Workers are bending their every effort to be in the best possible condition. Practice will be continue every afternoon this week with a big scrimmage arranged for Friday afternoon. The team will leave for New York on Sunday afternoon to enable them to rest up until the journey to Brooklyn.

Announcement that an excursion rate will prevail on the Lehigh Valley train leaving Bethlehem at 7:33 o'clock on Sunday morning is received by the host of soccer fans with keen delight.

Because of the large number of teams entered in the cup competition in the St. Louis district the Western semifinal goes on tap on the coming Sunday afternoon in which the Celtics, of Detroit, oppose the Bricklayers, of Chicago. The game will be played at Detroit. The winner of this setto will meet the Vesper Buicks of St. Louis in the Western final.

The National final will hardly take place before the last Saturday of this month and then only in the even that no replays are necessary in the West. Should either the semi-final or final result in a draw the date for the deciding and final tilt would be delayed until some time in April.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club