The Globe -- Bethlehem
Wednesday, March 5, 1919
Athletic Chatter

Soccer fans will have to journey to the Bethlehem Steel athletic field on Saturday afternoon if they want to see the Steel Workers in action in the last of the competition games to be staged in this city. Following the game what4ever other contests are staged here will be of the exhibition variety. Bethlehem has had its quota of cup and league games on the home field this season and probably no more brilliant or sensational contests were witnessed. The attraction on Saturday is the New York F. C., and a victory over this delegation will mean that the Steel Workers will be champions of the National League with extremely bright chances of annexing the honors in both the American and National cup competitions. According to Manager Sheridan, three invalids are included among the regular players -- Harry Ratican, who last week was chased home from the plant suffering with a severe case of tonsillitis, is confined to his bed under the care of a physician and there is no chance of his recovery in time to take his regular berth at center forward. Bib Millar is suffering with a wrenched back and although the injury is very painful, it is almost certain that he will round into condition for the clash against the Gothamites. The third crippled member of the organization is Fletcher, who pulled tendons in the last game and will be unable to don the togs on Saturday. For the latter berth, Sid Brown, the Canadian crack, who recently joined the champions, will be eligible and Bethlehem fans will be given their first chance to see him in action. Brown is conceded one of the best soccer artists in the country and Manager Sheridan has definitely announced that Sid will grace the field in Fletcher's position against the New Yorkers.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club