The Globe -- Bethlehem
Friday, March 7, 1924
A Swing Along Athletic Row

Attended Bethlehem School of Soccer
One of the interesting sidelights to the big Eastern final of the National Cup competition to be played in Brooklyn, N. Y., on Sunday afternoon is the fact that no less than seven of the Fall River clan developed in their schooling as former members of the Bethlehem Steel soccer team. For this reason probably the intense rivalry between the two teams is pronounced. Bethlehem has contributed many of its former stars to other clubs in this country and therefore much of the development of the game should be attributed to the local management. Bethlehem players who sported the Bethlehem colors at one time or another within the past two season and will meet the Bethlehem team in the challenge cup conflict on Sunday afternoon are: Kerr, Raeside, Lorimer, Campbell, Brittan, Morley, and McKenna.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club