By Fred S. Nonnemacher
The stage is all set for the blue ribbon soccer classic of the East when on Sunday afternoon the Bethlehem Steel soccer team opposes Fall River in the final of the National Challenge Cup at Brooklyn, N. Y., for the honor of invading the West to compete in the National final.
The last word in priming for this important tilt was completed this afternoon on the local field when the Steel Workers went through their final practice. Tomorrow afternoon at 3:10 o'clock the players to sport the Blue of the Bethlehem eleven will depart for New York, there to remain and rest up until called for the start of the actual hostilities.
From Brooklyn comes the information that no matter what for the weather may take between now and Sunday afternoon, the game will be played and [...] fans who are planning to witness this great struggle may now make their plans with certain knowledge that they are going to see the classic decided. The delay in the settlement of the final seems to have whetted, rather than dulled, the appetite of the fans, for never in the history of the sport has the game aroused such an ocean of enthusiasm.
The teams to oppose each other -- Bethlehem and Fall River -- are wonderful combinations of soccer stars. They have played together and have been so diligently and intelligently drilled that their team work is faultless. They are both determined to struggle to the last gasp for success, for this is the one high honor for which they are striving, one toward which all their efforts during the season have been directed.
Salient features of the game which will be well to remember are embodied in the following:
Game -- Eastern final of the United States Football Association National Challenge Cup competition.
Contenders -- Bethlehem Steel F. C. of Bethlehem, Pa., vs. Fall River F. C., of Fall River, Mass.
Place -- Dexter Park, Cypress Hills, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Date -- Sunday, March 9.
Kick-off time -- 2:45 p.m.
Gates open -- 12:30 p.m.
Officials == T. W. Cahill, U. S. F. A. representative; Andrew M. Brown, field delegate; Andrew N. Beveridge, financial delegate; Herbert F. Murray, associate delegate; Frederick Smith, associate delegate.
Referee, Edward McCabe, Philadelphia, Pa.
Neutral linesmen, Andrew Laurie, of Newark, N. J., and Thomas Cunningham, of Brooklyn, N. Y.