The Globe -- Bethlehem
Friday, March 8, 1918
Game on Local Field to be a Fast One, as Scots are Strong
Tomorrow's National League game at the Bethlehem Steel Field between the Scottish-American F. C. and Bethlehem Steel is sure to be one of the cleverest exhibitions of soccer seen here this season. The strength of the Scots can be judged from the fact that they were only eliminated from the National Cup by the New York F. C. after two hours of strenuous football by a score of 3 to 2. The Scots led the first half of the game by two goals to nothing, but were unfortunate in losing their clever outside left, Brierly, after thirty minutes of play in the first half, and were therefore compelled to play the remainder oft he game with ten men.
The Steel Workers will therefore have to be on their guard against the possibility of any reaction from last Saturday's strenuous contest, as nothing but the best soccer they are capable of will enable them to maintain their present position among the leaders of the league. The Bethlehem Steel team will not be determined until shortly before the game.
Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club